Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Stormy Tuesday Morning

Well, when I left my house to ride this morning, the sun was shining and it was nice out. By the time I made it down to the pasture with Hoosier, it looked like this:

Then, a few minutes later, it looked like this:
So, Hoosier and I jogged back up to the house to roll the windows up in my car and wait it out in the barn:
But after a half an hour, we gave up and I put my mule away. It cleared up later this morning once I got to work. So I didn't get to ride and I am kind of a crabby patty about it today. Guess I'll try again tomorrow morning.
Camri and I did get a good ride in yesterday, so that helps. Oh! And I got my new show top in yesterday. Here's the photo from the site:
It is very pretty! I can't wait to wear it at Fort Smith!

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