Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Passing On A Story

Last month, there was a $9.99 charge on my cell phone bill for something called "Chalk Board Quiz Club." I obviously would not have signed up for something like this. So I called AT&T, and the very nice lady who helped me said that companies send these little text messages out to cell phones, and they usually say something like, "Want cash? Text "yes" for more or "no" to stop." And if you respond back in any way (even if it's 'no') that tells these companies that you have a valid number and they will continue to send these texts and charge you for them. I get those annoying texts all the time, and I do remember one time responding "no" thinking it might make them stop. The lady said she would remove the charge and put a blocker on my line that would make it require my approval for any more charges like this. 
I just wanted to share my story. It was so nice to deal with a customer service rep who was so friendly and helpful! I wish I would have caught her name. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So True

(via Facebook)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Stuff Riders Say

I seriously love this. "Does he look off behind?" "Have you tried a..." Spot on.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

About a pretty sunset...

This Is Adorable...


So the weather here has been unbelievable. Temps in the mid 60s in January and February is not a common occurrence in Missouri. I have gotten to ride twice this week. Yesterday when I went to catch Maggie, she was sunbathing. When I walked up to her, she just continued to lay there and look at me with this "are you serious?" expression. She eventually got up, but much to her disgust...

I hear we have all sorts of bad weather on the way, though. That figures. I assumed we would be paid back in full for having it this nice so far.